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July 22, 2016 Michael Harlow

When you strip it down to the core, why do we exist?  I believe every person, every athlete, every family, and every organization needs to know this.  Your core purpose directs why you get up every morning and the decisions you make throughout the day.  Though not always easy to identify on first look, it is woven within the fabric of most things we do. It should motivate you, sharpen you, and allow you to leave this world a better place.

Several years ago, the leadership at Endorphin Fitness sat around a table and stripped why we exist down to the core.  We dug deep into our motivation and explored the parallels between departments.  One motivation rose clear to the top: “to transform lives.”  On the surface, we help people be faster and stronger – at which we are very successful – but we do this to be a catalyst in their lives for something greater.  We want sport and fitness to permeate other areas of one’s life – otherwise known as “Live Red.”

Every week, we honor an athlete of the week by sharing a person’s story in our newsletter.  This week’s athlete – Dawn Carter – exemplifies our core purpose.  After life pushed Dawn down several times, she found the ability to get up and fight back through the sport of triathlon.  Through this, she has also impacted the lives of everyone around her.  Congrats Dawn and thank you for “living red” daily.

Be More. Live Red.
Michael Harlow
EF Founder & Head Coach

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