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Working with Coach Kate Fisher, Lanette Walker dove head first into triathlon last year following her daughter, Olivia, who trains with our junior team. Without a big running background, Lanette was frustrated by not being able to run faster or longer. She wanted to hit every workout at full speed and questioned why she needed to run slow sometimes to run faster. After she finished the race she had been training for, she still wasn’t “comfortable” running long or fast yet and decided that she was going to stop training for the off-season and try again next year. BUT, Lanette is a fighter and she does not go down easily. Even though she was frustrated that her training was taking longer to see results than she had wanted, she decided to work through the off-season and continue to train. Lanette is the perfect example of how consistency and hard work pays off. She is now running her longs runs easily and calling some of the hills that would challenge her easy! You never have to tell her to work harder in her workouts. She thrives on tackling the hardest and most painful workouts. She even calls them fun! She is now conquering the run instead of the run conquering her.


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